Diogenes quotes slavery
Diogenes quotes slavery

diogenes quotes slavery

During his time in Corinth, a rather important man came to visit the city. He continued to yell at random passers-by and by many reports managed to find himself a new pot to sleep in.

#Diogenes quotes slavery free#

Once in Corinth, Diogenes did what he did best – he tutored his owner’s sons and was apparently set free at some point. Oh and being one of the three founding fathers of Cynicism.īut it wasn’t all fun and games, as Diogenes found himself captured by pirates and sold into slavery, winding up in the city of Corinth as a teacher (a fate worse than death). Such as carrying a lamp around during the day, claiming he was looking for an honest man. Diogenes believed that if you were virtuous, it would be better shown in your actions and not your words, just like his hero Heracles (or Hercules if you insist on the Roman version.)īut Diogenes didn’t spend all of his time in Athens sleeping in his ceramic cave like an alcoholic hermit crab. I could understand if he’d been forced to empty it all by himself, but apparently that wasn’t the case. This thinker of the ages lived in an old wine pot in the market at Athens. So what separated Diogenes from Socrates and Plato? Well, for starters, he spent a fairly large portion of his life living in a pot. Living in pot – living in a baked clay pot (I’m looking at you, Pythagoras.) But they weren’t all that way, if indeed any of them really were.īut when you’re talking about the more unusual philosophers, you can’t get further from the image than Diogenes, who was born in modern day Turkey in 412 or 404 BC and died at Corinth in 323 BC (spoilers).

diogenes quotes slavery

Greek philosopher… Those words immediately summon to mind the image of a regal figure dressed in a dashing toga, putting the world to rights or ruining mathematics for everyone by coming up with a ridiculously convoluted way to see if your ladder is long enough. They’ve also given us quite a few philosophers over the years. When you think of Greece, a few things probably come to mind – sunshine, beaches, feta.

Diogenes quotes slavery